The Parents of Those Who Kill

Kathy Crosby
2 min readApr 12, 2023
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If you are a parent, you have witnessed your children doing things that may not be the best of choices. If you are a sibling, your standards might not be as high, but you’ve witnessed your sister or brother doing things that you absolutely do not want to be a part of.

As families, we live through all sorts of trauma — be it suicide, addiction, abandonment, or a myriad of other things.

We grieve when those we love hurt themselves — but what about when they harm others?

There are, unfortunately, too many stories of shootings in America. We talk about the bright futures once held by the dead, we gossip about how the shooter got to this place in life, we conjecture and speculate and pray that none of this touches our own family.

You rarely hear about those left behind by the person causing harm to others.

There have been 146 mass shootings so far this year. This is a lot of sons and daughters. Do you ever think about their families?

These people are often left on their own to deal with their confusion and shock. They have their own feelings of guilt and shame. Parents may wish they had never had children; they may dwell on the person the shooter used to be.

If the shooter survives, they may be confronted by a family member asking how they could…



Kathy Crosby

Kathy Crosby is a full time creative, vlogger, entertainer. musical educator and advocate.