The Parent Days

Kathy Crosby
3 min readMay 10, 2023

The days we celebrate our parents change as time rolls along.

Photo by Mike Bird:

In a perfect family, there are people you share DNA with, none or some siblings, and a complete muddle of the days celebrating parents, complete with burnt breakfast in bed, flowers picked from your favorite plant, and artwork where you have to “guess” what has been drawn in your honor.

Adopted? Even better. You get fussed over just as much as you fuss over them. What an absolute joy to have worked so hard to have a child and as a result become a parent?

Single parent? You get to enjoy everything the “perfect” family has, but there is no one to help burn the toast while you stay in bed. Many single parents celebrate both Mother’s and Father’s Days as they cover both roles.

Grandparent raising a child (or children)? You get another generation of love and laughter — quite possibly more deserved than the first time around.

These examples are the joyous side of the holiday. As with everything, there is another side to the celebrations.

A family that looks perfect to the outside world may exist in a home with little or no love. You may not want to celebrate your emotionally or physically absent parents. Even worse, you may not want to celebrate the abusive ones. Mom’s a narcissist? It’s difficult to celebrate her as you know that…



Kathy Crosby

Kathy Crosby is a full time creative, vlogger, entertainer. musical educator and advocate.