Member-only story
The NRA Has Crossed A Sacred Line
When Do We Say “Enough”?
Mother [ˈməT͟Hər]
bring up (a child) with care and affection.
“the art of mothering”
bring up · care for · provide for · take care of · attend to · look after · rear · support · raise · foster · parent · tend · feed · nourish · provender
I confess. I grew up in an era where earning your first Red Ryder BB gun was a right of passage. Shooting tin cans was an art form, and being allowed to traipse around the farm behind my brother while he pretended to be a mighty hunter was one of the highlights of my childhood.
I have felt the thrill of taking out an entire package of balloons with a semi-automatic. (It is even better when someone else has gone through all the work of blowing them up) It is fun. It really is.
I am not anti-gun.
On a weekend where America experienced 12 mass shootings nationwide that left 17 dead and 41 injured, the NRA chose to release a Mother’s Day meme that looked like something from MAD Magazine…