A Royal Opinion

Kathy Crosby
2 min readJan 13, 2023
Photo by vectors icon: https://www.pexels.com/photo/uk-flag-on-creased-paper-968299/

Mr. Sussex needs help. Inpatient mental health therapy support. The trajectory he is on can only end in tragedy, and that would be a calamity on so many levels.

His documentary, his book, and his interviews have only made me sad. His manic behavior from charming to angry to bitter to whatever are worrisome at best. Even if you don’t care about the royals or pop culture, it is difficult to watch someone so frantic for attention.

Take a look at some of these definitions from https://www.verywellhealth.com/manic-episode-5235280 regarding manic episode symptoms (parentheses are writer's comments):

A hallmark of mania is feelings of euphoria or elevated mood. (Harry is now a pop star, getting huge amounts of attention, and is finally getting the recognition he feels he deserves.)

During mania, an individual may feel an inflated sense of self-importance or exaggerated self-confidence. They may feel they are particularly powerful or talented. (Throwing people under the bus are not talents and only have the power to attract people’s attention for a limited amount of time.)

Irritability and hostility associated with mania can accompany anger, impatience, and aggressive behavior. (If you’ve followed the recent events, you understand this — in spades).



Kathy Crosby
Kathy Crosby

Written by Kathy Crosby

Kathy Crosby is a full time creative, vlogger, entertainer. musical educator and advocate. https://www.phoenixhousepublishing.org

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